
The View From The Top

Nobody can deny that games are a part and parcel of life. In fact, life itself is a game and this world is a big playground. We have to play the game with all our energy and courage.Teenagers today often spend a great deal of time playing video games. These games are fun and engaging and young people often feel like playing games is a great thing to do in their spare time. Moreover, amidst of the modern world it is also essential especially to millennials to take a glimpse of traditional Filipino games called larong pinoy.

As a young child growing up in the Philippines, Larong pinoy has been a part of their childhood memories. These kind of activities nourished our tactical and technical skills as well as players’ social skills. The games people played were not only an important part in their learning process as children, but they had a positive influence on their physical, mental, emotional, and moral being. And these are benefits that can be reaped throughout our adulthood and one’s entire lives.

In the other hand, as technological era arises larong pinoy was little by little laid back. Video games and computer games was developed and turn into a tremendous industry in every corner of the world. Computer games become more interactive. Players can know play games with other people in corner of world by using internet.

As time passed by, everything change in just a click. Rather than thinkinG about the differences and changes, why not held it up high and let it combine with the past tradition.